Arbor Valley Nursery is a 3 location, Colorado Proud, wholesale nursery growing quality life and quality plants, delivered on your time.
Jan, 2019
Arbor Valley Nursery
Wholesale Garden Nursery

The Challenge
The challenge that was presented to our company was simple, create a stunning website that brought to life the beautiful selection of plants Arbor Valley Nursery provides with a clean, searchable product catalog in a very short amount of time. This client needed a completely new online presence in just under 3 weeks.
The Solution
Our approach was to create a visually stunning website the client could showcase in an upcoming expo and meet their high level of internal standards. The client needed this new platform to incorporate a new social media campaign launch as well as the incorporation of 2 AJAX searchable catalog’s, one for retail, and one for wholesale.
“We are very pleased with (our website) and are getting great feedback from customers, potential employees and our partners.”
Mike Schleining
Nursery Director

After launch, the response has been tremendous. Arbor Valley Nursery showcased the new site at 2019 ProGreen Expo where it was very well received. The launch coincided with their new social media campaign #AskCori, an education and interactive campaign targeted at engaging the community with thoughtful conversation and tips for the gardening enthusiast and professional alike. Traffic has spiked since launch with site visits up over 200%!
traffic soared! The website went from engaging less than 15 users per day to over 70. An increase of over 400%! Social media engagement continues to grow as more potential clients are now viewing updated content daily.